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Valldore Nal
Player ID: 238757
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 3164
Energetic immunity : 4623
Trade sense : 2299
Briskness : 2694
Initiative : 1632
Defence : 6148
Attack : 9549
Power : 696
Luck : 544
Waterhandling : 18
Herbalism : 18
Filtering : 11
Experimentalism : 11
*excavation : 6
Finesse : 7
Volition : 123
Gardening : 6
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Time Principle = 4000
Darkness Principle = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1568 | Lost: 1568
Honor: 2400
MindPower: 5

Dimensional Shifters
(MagicDuel Archives)
The oneness of your housing is at 10 %

For any unseen force that may be looking, as per Ann. 2408 here are some of my wishes : 

- An openMDA spell

-Access to limited places

-A box of dice that on use will create pouch of dice (each pouch will contain each of the following : d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20), tradeable with a time limit before returning to the box (24h)

-Acousticremains spell

Greetings Stranger

My name is Valldore . 

This is a strange realm we are walking. But were did we all came from ? I see dreams, having memories of past lives forming images in my mind ... What are all these ? I'm not sure myself either ...........

Seems that my past is full of adventures, not sure which ones are real and which ones are desires of who i wanted to be.

I've seen images of Valldore being a young spellcaster, trying to survive in another strange realm, ruled by strange powers. Divided in domains inside the realm itself, each one ruled by a single being called Darklord, given ultimate power in his domain but at the same time this domain being his eternal prison. And Valldore being a mere tool in the hands of those, trying to survive between their struggle for power ...................

I've seen images of Valldore being a cunning rogue, this time on a very different place . Grouped with others, he was trying to save that world from anything that would threat it or trying to enslave it ...... Haven't seen the end, but he never really managed to achieve anything great and memorable .... Probably that's why this images are vague ....

I've seen images of Valldore, using strange blades formed just from the power of his mind, trying to survive the harshness of a caravan traveling in a realm very familiar with the first, but yet so much different. His mind wasn't strong, so his blades well dull ...... He won some battles, he lost others ...... In the end was it really his dull blades that helped him in these travels, or just mere luck of finding strong friends ......... Images are blurry again ........

I've seen images of Valldore, fighting with his bare hands, trying to save his master ..... Passed through groups of evil beasts and creatures, again with the help of others. But he was late ....... He couldn't prevent the death of the one he swore to protect .........

I've seen images of Valldore, this time himself being the one manipulating others through the power of his magic and mind, ruling a city of creatures that he once used to be one of them , long time ago ......... Not anymore ....... Struggling to Balance his Darkness and Light inside him, to prevent chaos and ancient enemies from destroying the very essence that defined his existence ..... Did he manage ? Did he fail ? That one hasn't ended yet i'm afraid .....

The images never stop changing, evolving .... Some may be the future that awaits, that will become past and get lost in the vortex of memories ....... Who knows ..........

But do all this play any part where we are now ? All those images described don't merge between them, seems like each realm has it's own borders and keeps each story inside that border .... 

So in here, i'm not a young or mighty spellcaster, neither a cunning rogue or anything else ....... I am a human and even though my mind seems to believe that i used to have all kind of strange abilities, none has followed here. 

I travel in this strange realm, guided by what i've seen and what i've felt in what seems to be past lives and experiences. But the borders cannot be crossed , so even if i've seen mighty spells devastating my enemies , blades swirling around , wounding and killing , nothing of this has followed here ........ 

Don't get me wrong, even i don't know what the images are, so it may never was the case that i did any of this (and believe me, for some of those things i hope i've never done them), but here, I'm Valldore. 

Nice to meet you .


Different images keep visiting me in my dreams (or is this a dream maybe and those are reality , can't tell ). 

Valldore , together with his brother, prisoned for almost a century try to gain back what it was rightfully theirs ... Struggling, trying to survive in the power games of the rest land lords of the island, digging up old, lost friendships , hiding from forgotten enemies until they have the power to face them ..... Rebuilding the land that was wrongly taken from them, will they survive until they manage to get back to their earlier glory ? Will they manage to stay "alive" ?

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Chaos Archer Water Daimon III Nightmare Rusty Dracula Peace Larry Bird Unholy Pope BloodPact Chaos Archer Tamed Reindrach Dark Soulweaver Master of Puppets

Page 80 - Golemus Wizard quest - sim.
Close to Paper Cabin there is a way to descend to the water that is separating the main land from Golemus Golemicarum, maybe simplizero will find a way to cross the water and reach Golemus by an other way. The scars left by the Necrovion massacre start to emerge in the form of temporary hallucinations, headaches and a very short but profound sensations of unjustified fear. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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